Monday, May 20, 2013

I'm Back

As you can see I have not posted anything for over 1yr and that would be due to the fact of a sickly pregnancy and enjoying my bundle of joy who is now 9 months. I decided to get started again with everything that I took a break from. So I did my 1st review on a hair product. Can't wait to do more and believe me they will not all be good. Couponing has started back and I feel like a beginner. Thanks for checking out my blog and can't wait for you to check out my posts...

Shea Moisture Repair & Transition Kit

Just purchased this last month and used it on my hair it made my hair feel so moisturized and soft. I personally found it best to mix honey and olive with the deep masque for a deep conditioner. The restorative conditioner I used as a leave-in. I used the elixir before and after styling and my hair felt so light and no strong overwhelming scent. The kits are a good way to try a line of products and it was only 19.99 at Target. I also bought some of their baby hair products, but haven't used them yet..
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